If you are not sure whether you can still come to the Emergent Convention in Nashville, there is still time to sign up. This is the last convention of this kind we will host, so we encourage you to come!
To sign-up, click on the Emergent Convention link.
Wish I could make it...
The cost involved is just too much between time off, hotel, travel, food, etc. Guess I'll have to try to catch the successor to the conventions.
Posted by: Daniel | May 06, 2005 at 03:24 PM
A week away, I can hardly wait. I'm very excited to be attending!
Posted by: Tree | May 11, 2005 at 06:30 PM
Cost is too much for me too...but if anybody wants to support me... ;-)
Posted by: matt | May 11, 2005 at 09:16 PM
This has been an incredible opportunity for me. I'm existing in this tension of "whoa, this is what I've been talking about all along" and "whoa, many people I am engaged with in my faith community will still have no idea what I am talking about". :P
'o7??? Too long for this impatient soul. What can we do inbetween? New Mexico sounds great, but it's too soon and too far for me at this point. :( Maybe if any of you in this grand conversation are near Jacksonville, FL we can get together regularly for some chats and fellowship? Drop me a line!
Posted by: Tree | May 21, 2005 at 01:50 AM
My husband and I just moved to the Orlando area...not sure if this would be close enough to Jacksonville to begin a regional conversation??? Just got back from the Nashville convention...amazing. Felt like we actually got to experience a few days of heaven...so much love among the believers! Anyway, looking to get connected to more people here down south...Florida has been a strange culture for us...would love to connect with some fellow journeyors.
Posted by: Holli Adams | May 22, 2005 at 06:49 PM
Orlando and Jacksonville are roughly 3 hours apart. An occassional 90 minute drive to somewhere in the middle shouldn't be too bad at all. I bought many many many of the sessions on CD to share with my wife, and yet I realize that it is an inadequate substitute for the conference itself.
Feel free to email me if you see a possibility of getting something started in this area. I'm also going to poke around and see if anything has been started already but is flying under our radars. ;)
Posted by: Tree | May 23, 2005 at 07:10 PM