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Wish I could make it...

The cost involved is just too much between time off, hotel, travel, food, etc. Guess I'll have to try to catch the successor to the conventions.


A week away, I can hardly wait. I'm very excited to be attending!



Cost is too much for me too...but if anybody wants to support me... ;-)


This has been an incredible opportunity for me. I'm existing in this tension of "whoa, this is what I've been talking about all along" and "whoa, many people I am engaged with in my faith community will still have no idea what I am talking about". :P

'o7??? Too long for this impatient soul. What can we do inbetween? New Mexico sounds great, but it's too soon and too far for me at this point. :( Maybe if any of you in this grand conversation are near Jacksonville, FL we can get together regularly for some chats and fellowship? Drop me a line!


Holli Adams

My husband and I just moved to the Orlando area...not sure if this would be close enough to Jacksonville to begin a regional conversation??? Just got back from the Nashville convention...amazing. Felt like we actually got to experience a few days of heaven...so much love among the believers! Anyway, looking to get connected to more people here down south...Florida has been a strange culture for us...would love to connect with some fellow journeyors.


Orlando and Jacksonville are roughly 3 hours apart. An occassional 90 minute drive to somewhere in the middle shouldn't be too bad at all. I bought many many many of the sessions on CD to share with my wife, and yet I realize that it is an inadequate substitute for the conference itself.

Feel free to email me if you see a possibility of getting something started in this area. I'm also going to poke around and see if anything has been started already but is flying under our radars. ;)

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