Almost exactly five years ago, a group gathered at my family cabin in northern Minnesota to talk about the future of this thing we were/are a part of. We were in the process of leaving the protective umbrella of Leadership Network, and we were branching out on our own. As you can see, sitting arond the table, were a great group of people: me (with son, Tanner), Brad Cecil, Sally Morgenthaller, Brian McLaren, Al Roxburgh, Todd Hunter, Danielle Shroyer, and Tim Conder; Doug Pagitt and Julie Jones are standing in the back, and the inimitable Rudy Carrasco took the picture. Jason Mitchell is not pictured.
Recently, Danielle found her notes from that meeting, and here's what they say:
We're having another meeting next week, five years and two weeks later, again at my cabin. Some faces in the current Emergent Coordinating Group are the same, and there are some new faces. We have lots to celebrate, five years later. Much of what we dreamed has come to pass. But we still stand at a liminal moment, one in which the church needs thorough revolution if it hopes to stand as God's partner in the Grand Re-Creation.
So we ask for your prayers as we meet next week. If you know someone on the ECG, and you have some ideas about what we should aim for in the next five years, drop us an email.