I am going to Scandinavia on Saturday returning the following Saturday.
My gracious host Thomas sent me the itinerary.
Here it is, so if any readers are in the area come on over.
Program for Doug Pagitt
Sunday 18th
9.10 Arriving at Copenhagen Airport
13.15 Going to Sweden by train (fredrick Wenell is host)
Monday 19th
Teaching at Ørebro Theological Seminary
In the afternoon going to Norway Oslo
Being picked up at Oslo Central Station by Thomas CONTACT _Con-3E8060841 \c \s \l Willer
Tuesday the 20th
Teaching Day at SALT Oslo
Kl. 9.00: Welcome
Kl. 9.15: Preaching in a Crisis – to communicate in a time where Everything is negotiable
Kl. 10.30: Break
Kl. 10.45: can we imagine it done diffrently?
Kl. 12.00: Lunch
Kl. 13.00: "When the word becomes flesh" – Preaching with a different focus
Kl. 14.30: Pause
Kl. 14.45: Respons to Doug Pagitt og conversation in plenum
Kl. 15.30 Finish
Wedensday the 21st
Up early to get to Bergen to teach
Programme almost as the day before....
Flying to Copenhagen in the evening where Thomas Willer pick up and we will drink a beer with Simon
Thursday the 22nd
Teaching day at SALT Copenhagen
Kl. 9.30 Welcome
Kl. 9.45 Preaching in a Crisis – to communicate in a time where Everything is negotiable by Doug Pagitt
Kl. 11.00 break
Kl. 11.15 "When the word becomes flesh" – Preaching with a different focus. Doug Pagitt
Kl. 12.30 lunch break
Kl. 1315 Nordic perspectives on preaching by Knut Tveitereit
Kl. 14.30 Kaffepause
Kl. 14.45 Q & A-session v. Doug Pagitt og Knut Tveitereit
Kl. 15.30 Tak for I dag
Flyirng to Aalborg with Henrik Holmgaard
Friday the 23rd
Teaching day in Århus – programme as the day before
Going by train to Copenhagen and being picked up by chad Rimmer at the international church where you are going to sleep
Saturday the 24th
Back to the states
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